Introduction Post
I have not had a ton of difficulty with the setup of this blog. My biggest problem as of writing this is that I cannot get my blog to display online. I am not sure what the problem is so I will probably try to figure it out at office hours tomorrow. While setting up the blog hasn’t been particularly difficult, I haven’t had much time to play around with the blog and see how all the files relate to each other. I plan on playing with it tomorrow, when I should have more time due to me only having one class. I am looking forward to playing around with these files and seeing the effect it has on the blog. I appreciate being able to work with a more complicated setup than what I was working with in Lab 1 because this is most likely more representative of what I will encounter in the real world. Also, I would like to know if there is a way I can get my command console to constantly look for changes to the files, because shutting down the command console and then re-running the commands is kind of annoying, although it is significantly better than staging, committing, and pushing to Github.
- Not being able to view this on the internet, only on my local computer
- Not enough time to play around with the files and see how they all relate
- Slight difficulties in understanding Ruby and how to get it to work. I am still not completely certain what it does