I did not feel like this tutorial was particularly difficult. I did certainly run into troubles coding, and it was without a doubt quite difficult to understand what was going on. However, since I could copy and paste most of the code, I could very easily see what the effects of what I was coding was. By using this method, I managed to deconstruct everything I did and I felt like I truly understood what I was doing. Making the alterations to the tutorial was rather easy. I learned how to add a new field to an entity in the last tutorial, so I simply repeated those steps. I added the I and W options for the Grade enum, but I felt that there weren’t many places I could use that. Whenever I created new students using the website, there was no way to give the new students grades. So, I altered the seed data to giver Carson Alexander a W grade in class 4022, Microeconomics and an I in Chemistry. The hardest part about this lab was the last step. I had a difficult time understanding how concurrency conflicts worked and how what I did resolved them exactly. I can understand when I make changes and can see the effects of those changes, but for a concept like concurrency, it is much more difficult for me to understand.

Lab 9 GitHub link:
